#1 Problem – Cancer & Chronic Illness
A person diagnosed with cancer or other life threatening chronic illnesses can often feel overwhelmed and alone in their journey then Fear, Anxiety, Depression,
Confusion and Anger can take place together with lack of faith.
The biggest hurdle is Fear.
Fear is directly connected to ignorance and lack of knowledge.
- Fear causes us to vibrate at a lower rate and get sick and age faster.
- The more knowledge we gain, the higher we vibrate.
- We move away from fear and into understanding and empathy.
#2 Toxic Pressure
- Thinking a quick fix is the answer.
- Family Pressure brought on by fear.
- Medical industry pressure to do toxic harmful treatments that lower the immune system.
- Lack of factual information.
- Too much misinformation handed out by people trying to sell their pills potions and miracle lotions.
- Lack of Nutrition
- Lack of faith in one’s own ability to heal without the use of toxic drugs.
#3 Brand New Day
- When taking the right approach to healing cancer using natural means, then healing takes place.
- The body will respond to being given life enforcing protocols that will not so the person will feel empowered by the fact that they have addressed all aspects of functional nutrition, together with emotional, spiritual and physical needs.
- The have redesigned their health and outcomes with simple proven, sustainable easy to follow protocols.
- Life as they have known it no longer exits. A new way of Life does.