Breakfast Desert or Just a Snack
Strawberries with Cashew Orange Whipped Cream This recipe serves one or you and just increase ingredients for each person. 1/2 cup cashews that have been soaked for a minimum of 2 hours 1 large pitted date 1/4 cup of orange juice – usually from just one orange 1/8 tsp vanilla powder or 1/4 tsp vanilla […]
Raw Tomato Soup
Serves 4 8 large roma tomatoes 1/2 cup previously soaked sundried tomatoes 1 small cucumber seeded 1 small red capsicum seeded and finely chopped 1 celery stalk 2 cloves garlic 1 large carrot 1 tsp Celtic or Himalayan salt 1/2 tsp turmeric 2 tbl olive oil Blend all ingredients in a high-speed blender until smooth […]
Weekend Healthy Sweet Treat Recipe
For everyone who is wanting to get in the kitchen and get back to basics, and are missing your favourite cafe treat – here is an easy to make recipe and guess what it is raw and really yummy! A most nourishing and favourite of Wayne and mine. Nobody said we had to miss out […]